What property prices will reach if forecasts...
Back in May 2020, many major banks and leading economists were predicting steep declines of anywhere between -10 and -32 per cent in Australia’s property market as a result of the unfolding...
Back in May 2020, many major banks and leading economists were predicting steep declines of anywhere between -10 and -32 per cent in Australia’s property market as a result of the unfolding...
It’s been one of the most turbulent years in history across just about every industry and market, yet property markets all around Australia are soaring with no end in sight. It begs the simple...
The latest Residential Property Report March 2021 by Independent property valuation firm Herron Todd White (HTW) reveals the markets around the country that are rising, at their peak and...
Steady as she goes seems to be the motto the Sunshine State has adopted when it comes to the performance of its property market, a theme that should be familiar if you read last month’s update.A...
With headlines like, Melbourne house prices rise tens of thousands of dollars in one month, Records shattered and Buyers competing for properties in "bullish" Victorian market you would be...
In the midst of a global pandemic and on the back of an economic recession, you’d expect Australia’s property to be in serious trouble, right?Wrong! If you follow our regular monthly property...